Unlocking the power of using the right words.

Shikha Das
4 min readMay 15, 2024


You need power only when you want to do something harmful. Otherwise, “a smile is enough to get everything.” CHARLIE CHAPLIN

Such a beautiful thought, written by Charlie Chaplin.

Your gestures matter a lot when you are speaking to somebody. That’s what Charlie Chaplin has tried to make us understand: with a smile, we can win the world.

To make your gestures positive, you need to wear a smile on your face. In the same way, to make your communication impactful, your choice of words matters a lot.

Our choice of words plays a very important role in shaping our tone and bringing a positive outcome to our conversations. From simple greetings to expressing gratitude and navigating disagreements, words can create wonders.

Let us understand this with some text messages.

A: Complete this task as soon as possible.

B: Could you please complete this task as soon as possible?

Which one is better or more polite, according to you?

Of course, the second one, isn’t it?

Where sentence ‘A’ sounds like an order, sentence ‘B’ sounds like a request and is much politer than the first one.

It is very important for us to be polite while interacting with someone. Being polite doesn’t just mean to sound good; it also means that we respect the other person’s feelings and time. It also helps us deal with different social situations easily.

Not only this, but when we are polite, we demonstrate our own character of being knowledgeable, kind, and wise.

Using ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, and ‘excuse me’, are some words that show our behaviour and mannerism.

Today in this article, we are going to navigate through more such words, which can make our interactions effective and impactful.

Words to greet and bid farewell.

When we meet somebody, it’s crucial to greet that person in every language. The same is true with the English language. You can use the following words to greet someone you meet:



Good morning

Good Afternoon

Good Evening

It was nice to meet you.

In the same way, bid farewell by using these words:


Good Bye

Good night

Take care

See you later.

These are simple but have immense power to build a relationship or get your work done in a friendly manner.

Expressing Gratitude

It is always good to appreciate others for their efforts. Saying the simple magical word ‘Thank you’ can create an immense difference for you.

Once you say ‘Thank you’ to somebody, you not only appreciate that person, but you also respect that person by recognising their efforts.

Asking to repeat an information:

Sometimes, on phone calls or in meetings, we miss out on certain information and ask the other person to repeat it. Right?

Mostly, I have seen people using phrases like ‘come again’ or ‘repeat it.’

But are these the right phrases to use?

The answer is a big ‘no’.

Using the following phrases can help you navigate through such situations easily:

I beg your pardon.

I am sorry. Can you please repeat?

I didn’t get it; could you please repeat?

Excuse me

Would you mind repeating that again?

Using ‘could’ or ‘would’ at the beginning of a request and adding a ‘please’ with it can make your communication more polite and effective.

Disagreeing with somebody

Often, we are in a fight or flight mode while disagreeing with somebody on something. This can also create conflict between two people. So what is the polite way to let the other person know that you don’t agree with what the other person has just said?

The below phrases would be helpful to use in such situations to maintain relationships and avoid conflict.

Sorry, I’m afraid I disagree.

Sorry, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

My apologies; I respectfully disagree.

Phrases to interfere in between

Sometimes we want to add our point of view in between when the other person is talking. But actually, talking in between is said to be bad manners. So, how can we convey our message at the right time by jumping in when the other person is talking? Well, there are some phrases that we can use to let the speaker know that we have something to say.

You can use the below phrases to interfere in between:

Sorry to interfere in between.

Sorry to intervene.

Sorry to interrupt you.

Remember, what you are saying is not important, but how you are saying it is important. Your choice of words not only makes your interaction polite but also has deep significance in your life. These are not only words or phrases, but some positive weapons in your hands to build relationships, resolve a conflict, get your work done easily, and take your career to the next level.



Shikha Das

Hi , I am Shikha. I'm a successful English Language Trainer | YouTuber | Content writer.